Holy crap! An honest mechanic! I took Lou my Audi allroad complete with evil demon. He looked at it for a day, sprinkled some holy water on it and said "I'm not comfortable with this problem, take it to the dealer." Had I taken his advice, I would have had my car back in about a week for only $1500, but I thought I knew better and tried to fix it myself, and a couple other shops. Two months and almost $3000 later, it's finally working. Next time I will take Lou's advice to heart. Next time, there won't be any other third party shops other than Tony and Brothers. Several of my coworkers also take their Audi's here and their feedback is also overwhelmingly positive. They always do excellent quality work at a fair price. These guys know all the common problems and are quite adept at fixing them. Lou even knows how to repair the dreaded cam tensioner oil leak in a way that makes the repair last twice as long as the dealer's repair job.